Friday, June 15, 2012

New Project: RoboRAVE

I have started an overview of my involvement with the competition known as RoboRAVE International, and hope to update it with more information soon. This was requested by many that know me through RoboRAVE.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wanted: Darlig

Darlig escaped while visiting the Albuquerque convention center, if anybody spots him at the RoboRAVE event on May 5th please send us a photo so that we know he's alright. We're offering a $1 reward for each photo.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Design: Darlig

Darlig is a modular robot designed to be compact and robust. While this is a new design for the site, this robot has been used since the release of the LEGO NXT robotics kits and has proven its reliability over the years.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Section: Designs

Creations such as robots and similar projects; this section will include building instructions and sample programs. Students of all ages should be able to understand, replicate, and modify these designs.